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2 avril 2012 1 02 /04 /avril /2012 10:53







          Education is often less than it should be. And this causes one to hesitate to put forward in a few pages some of the solutions man has adopted when faced with the problems which aesthetics and art posed him. But perhaps education is close to something essential, searching through the tangle of trees in the hope of one day finding the real wood. This book, hopefully, will help you on your way to finding it.





          Eduquer, c'est trop souvent dénaturer. Aussi hésite-t-on à ramasser en quelques pages les attitudes que la pensée humaine a successivement adoptées en face des problèmes que lui posaient l'esthétique et l'art. Mais peut-être aussi éduquer rapproche-t-il de l'essentiel: cherchant les branches maîtresses enfouies dans le fouillis palpitant du feuillage, on atteint parfois le tronc. Cet ouvrage devrait en être le reflet.


                    The Publication size 22 x 28 cms, contains 216 pages. Price : 60 Euros or 80 Dollars US

                    En Vente chez Art Reflex International : 21, Avenue Jean Jaurès _ 75019 PARIS

                    Tel. / Fax : (33-1) 40 18 44 79         / Mobile : (33-6) 67 54 16 69

                    Email :    artreflex19@yahoo.com




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30 mars 2012 5 30 /03 /mars /2012 14:11




                                                        On May 25, 2012 at 07 : 00 P.M.

                                                        The SCAM , Civil Company of Multimedia Authors , present , 


                  The Real-life experience and the work of the Painter Francis MBELLA, one of the last dinosaure of composed painting.







                                                       A Idriss DIABATE film :  " The shortcut to the sun "


       Simulcast of documentary film premiere describing the work of Artist Francis MBELLA on  www.scam.fr


 photo (3)


                           SCAM :  5, Avenue Vélasquez _ 75008-Paris          METRO:   Villiers or Monceau

                            Email :    artreflex19@yahoo.com


Infoline, Art Reflex International :  tel/fax: 0140184479    ///  mobile: 0667541669

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30 mars 2012 5 30 /03 /mars /2012 14:11




                                                        Le 25 Mai 2012 à 19 heures

                                                         LA SCAM, Société Civile des Auteurs Multimedia, présente :


                  La vie et l' oeuvre du Peintre Francis MBELLA, l'un des derniers dinosaures de la peinture réflechie




N° Dim cm Année Prix versailles



                             Un film du Réalisateur Idriss DIABATE titré : " Francis MBELLA, Le raccourci vers le soleil"





                           SCAM :  5, Avenue Vélasquez _ 75008-Paris          METRO:   Villiers ou Monceau

                            Email :    artreflex19@yahoo.com


Infoline, Art Reflex International :  tel/fax: 0140184479    ///  mobile: 0667541669

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29 mars 2012 4 29 /03 /mars /2012 12:03






                Francis MBELLA's Exhibition : "The reflections of color" in Clearwater. FLORIDA, USA_November, 2004





Art faithfully reflects the development of the principal ideas on which knowledge is based but it also records and interprets many items which are very much less clear than those produced by the intellect, though of far lesser importance.






Society and customs change though, and this has to be taken into account as this too, strongly influences how people think and feel.


As reality changes so do the ways we interpret it.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 17:23

  Tableau A Demeo

       Francis MBELLA's Exhibition : " GLANCE ON THE WOMAN " Art Reflex International Center MARCH-APRIL 2001  





                                                                                   The duty to communicate 




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   Language requires a second phase, the art of communicating. Now, since symbolism, the counterpart to what is unexpressed,  or what is reputed to be impossible to express, has indeed invested a strange type of prestige in obscurity, an innate value.


photo 1 (1)


     Our epoch has merit of recognising it has serious duty stagnate in old, threadbare forms, which, because they are worn out and used, have become repetitive and inexpressive. And this is healthy, moreover, in period governed by large aspirations and ambitions for its civilisations, and while this is not enough, it remains quietly active.


photo 1 (4)


     It is up to art above all that belongs the duty to forge an expression of what aspires to be. This is, doubtless, why the public, moved by its deepest instincts, grants it such a place in the present time.


photo 1 (5)


     Modern art should not be restricted to the self-satisfaction of artist merely enjoying themselves. For art and art alone, has the sole power to initiate and to install in the outer visible world, a new reality, something any artist worthy of the name bears within himself, innovation successfully and completely carrying out its mission as language.

         photo 1 (3)

Minsi Billè citation

            Danièle de Ricci,  Art Reflex International (Archives)




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14 mars 2012 3 14 /03 /mars /2012 10:14


                   Francis MBELLA's Exhibition: "THE COLOUR AND THE FAITH" in UNESCO-Paris, November 2003


PHOTO (6)photo (1)











                                                                       ACTION AND THE MEANING OF ART ?


       What then is art, if the idea of beauty which confuses everything, is rejected? In order to define art precisely, you must start by ceasing to consider it a means of pleasure and viewing art instead as one of the condiitions of human life. Considered this way, we can not avoid concluding that art is one of major means men have of communicating with each other.

  photo (4)     All works of art function in this way, the audience, to a certain extent, enters into communication with its creator, and with all others who, before or after him, received or will receive the same artistic impression.photo (2) Art  functions like words, wich link men together by expressing their thoughts and their experiences. But this means of communication is specific and differs from the word through wich man communicates his thoughts, whereas by art man communicates his feelings. 




















   Art operates through the fact that a man who perceives through hearing or through sight the feelings expressed by another man, is able to feel the same things as he who expressed them. photo (3)


                                                                                                                                                  Art Reflex International (Archives)



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13 mars 2012 2 13 /03 /mars /2012 20:42

   The aesthetic observer is not a normal being. Man's basic animal existence is one of work and struggle. He struggles continuously to avoid death from hunger and attacks from the wild beasts which stalk the jungle of life, he works

ceaselessly to conquer woman, to win riches and to assure himself a good place in the world. And all of a sudden, in the midst of this ceaseless battle for survival in which the weak are forced to go to the wall, each of us, at some time will pause in a moment of quiet to observe another human being or perhaps a landscape or maybe a work of art, even though be of little material advantage to him. In the war we wage to survive, the moment comes when we pause and observe and an absolute perfect peace descends:   WHY ?




                                                 photo (1)                                                                                                                                                                               



                            Edith MBELLA and Francis MBELLA, Exhibition in Paris "REFLECTIONS OF COLOR"                                    

                                                                   October 1985 - Hotel Sofitel Sèvres

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13 mars 2012 2 13 /03 /mars /2012 17:44






              Art is another way of resting from work while indirectly sharing feelings in a social context. It always takes two people for there to be an art experience.. The creator of the work of art and the receiver, who can be a spectator or a listener. The artist creates while the other receives. This is the aspect which is particular to art, in that it is experienced passively; for being entertained through art means having nothing to do, it is enough just to look and listen in order to feel pleasure and to be entertained. That no effort is needed, because the artist is in full control, is exactly what separates artistic activity from activity of other kinds.




                Francis MBELLA, Guest of Honour, with Doctor Gabs and his band, Rhoda Scott and Robert Palmer

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13 mars 2012 2 13 /03 /mars /2012 16:56
                                                                                         A QUOI SERT L' ART ?



    En vérité, le rôle de l'Art est beaucoup plus important. On pourrait dire que de la même manière que l'organisme ne saurait vivre sans échanges avec le monde extérieur (par exemple à travers la respiration), l'Art est nécessaire à la vie mentale, pour laquelle il constitue une sorte de respiration.

     L'Art est en définitif le moment de l'éxteriorité, il dévoile la vérité elle-même. La finalité de l'Art est de réapprendre ce qu'est le visible.

Mon but: c'est de restaurer cette dimension de vérité perdue par l'abus et la dictature de l'intelligible, autrement dit, de ravirer le réalisme que l'Art avait perdu depuis que le sensible était  " inférieur" à l'intelligible.



                                   La beauté joue un rôle capital dans la prise de conscience commune. 

                                                                                                                                                            Francis MBELLA                                                                                                                                                                                                 

      PH 5



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12 mars 2012 1 12 /03 /mars /2012 22:42






  And art had always allowed one to follow the visible tracesof thought processes, it now seems clear it can do more even than that. It is the traces of the whole interior life of the spirit which it can give form to. Previously man thought merely in a clear and rational way and art was often reduced nearly to illustrating it. Now after the long journey along the road of individualism, man is fascinated by what till than had escaped him, everithing beyond the relatively exclusive boundaries which respect for reason alone had enclosed him in. ph-4.jpg

               This loose vague world in which interior life finds all of its opportunities even at an early unconscious level is his and that of our time as well.

                And in the new traces it follows driven to find unknown riches art becomes his official companion the only one able to adapt to all circumstances and unexpected expressions which doubtless accounts for the increasingly important role it plays in today's intellectual life.

                Art use to be attempted to be explained trrought society whereas it is art itself which really explains how that society feels and develops and functions. Art used to be considered an ornament, an accessory to social life which is true but it would be more useful by far to analyse its real purpose and function in our society.

                PHT 4

               Art is the best way of allowing the unconscious to speak.

















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